Thursday 8 March 2012

Your Guide to Making Fracture Compensation Claims

Fracturing a bone can be extremely painful and can cause problems for employment. Due to this, if you have experienced a fracture due to someone else's carelessness, negligence or actions, you are likely to be entitled to make a fracture compensation claim. However, the process can sometimes be tricky as many people aren't entirely sure how to go about it, and what steps they need to follow.
What is a Fracture?
Many people believe that the term 'fracture' covers breaks which are of a less serious nature. This is a misconception as a fracture is actually the umbrella term used by medical personnel to refer to any broken, chipped, cracked, splintered or crushed bone. This means that fracture compensation claims can cover any bone injury which is considered to be a 'fracture'.
This can include but is not limited to:
— Complete fractures - where the bone is snapped into two complete pieces
— Compound fractures- where the break causes the bone to push through the skin, or a fracture which has occurred due to skin being broken.
— Comminuted fractures - where the bone has been crushed or shattered
— Impacted fractures - where one part of the bone has been rammed into another part
How to Claim
1. Find a lawyer
This may seem like a simple process but not all lawyers are as honest as they should be. Having a 'no win, no fee' lawyer is good for making fraction compensation claims as you can walk away with 100% of the compensation awarded to you. Watch out for extra hidden costs and make sure to check their reputation and ask about previous cases that have been won or lost.
2. Details
Your lawyer will require certain details from you when making fracture compensation claims in order to compile enough evidence to ascertain and prove blame. This information includes personal details, a personal account of the incident, medical records of the diagnosis and treatment, proof of loss of earnings, financial expenses, further supporting documents.
3. Think Compensation
Your lawyer will talk you through the process of a fair claim, helping you to understand how much compensation it would be fair for you to receive. Ultimately the decision is yours, but if an out of court settlement cannot be reached, the proceedings will be taken into a courtroom for a civil judge to decide. This is rarely the case as with enough evidence and good judgement, a fair settlement usually occurs out of court.

1 comment:

  1. No win no fee compensation claims aren't as difficult as many people feel but can take a long time. Having selected a lawyer, it's important to trust them as they will have the expertise to deliver fair results which provide you with the compensation you're entitled to for your particular injury.
